Avance Logic ALG2564 Video Controller Documentation in more practical format. 09-4-2021 GB Source: http://chip.tomsk.ru/chip/chipdoc.nsf/vc!ReadForm&Start=1&Count=250&view=pbf2&cat=Realtek&Click= 2564dm.exe, containing: 24-02-1996 15:44 435.200 2564DT1.DOC 26-02-1996 13:00 330.752 2564D1.TOC 24-02-1996 15:45 325.632 2564D4%%.1 24-02-1996 15:43 1.149.952 2564D5%%.1 24-02-1996 15:45 363.520 2564D6%%.1 26-02-1996 12:56 8.192 2564DM.BK 24-02-1996 15:46 598.016 2564DM2.DOC 24-02-1996 15:45 351.232 2564DM3.DOC 26-02-1996 13:01 702.464 2564D1.1 Used for conversion: - PCem v17 with Windows 95 - Framemaker 5, Document set to single page which moves the content to the right, instead of intermittent left and right. - Acrobat Distiller 5 pdf printer, with custom 14 x 8,5" page size. Note that file 2564D4%%.1 was told to be corrupt by both Framemaker 4 and 5.