The Metheus 1104 Ultra Graphics Accelerator This device requires software initialization. See 'Software Program' description below, or refer to the installation manual." JUMPER(1)=2 NAME="J8I - Sync Select 1" JTYPE=INLINE REVERSE=YES This jumper is located near the RGB output connector on the right side of the board. Horizontal sync is selected by connecting the two left pins. Composite sync is selected by connecting the two right pins. JUMPER(2)=1 NAME="J8J - Sync Select 2" JTYPE=INLINE REVERSE=NO This jumper is located near the RGB output connector on the right side of the board. Vertical sync is selected by connecting the two pins. Disable by removing this jumper JUMPER(3)=2 NAME="J8L - Monitor Sel 1" JTYPE=INLINE REVERSE=YES This jumper is located on the right side of the board. Non-interlaced is selected by connecting the two left pins. Interlaced is selcted by connecting the two right pins. This jumper must also be moved with jumper J8M. JUMPER(4)=2 NAME="J8M - Monitor Sel 2" JTYPE=INLINE REVERSE=YES This jumper is located on the right side of the board. Non-interlaced is selected by connecting the two left pins. Interlaced is selcted by connecting the two right pins. This jumper must also be moved with jumper J8L. JUMPER(5)=5 NAME="J8K - CGA Emulation" JTYPE=PAIRED VERTICAL=YES REVERSE=YES Connecting these two pins will enable CGA emulation. Remove this jumper to disable CGA emulation. SOFTWARE This graphics controller requires installation of a device driver entry in the 'CONFIG.SYS' file. By using the INSTALL program that comes with the Metheus microcode diskette, this can be installed for you automatically. To manually install the UGA 1104 device driver, add the following entry to the 'CONFIG.SYS' file: 'DEVICE=[C:path\\]1104.SYS' It is recommended that an entry be placed in the 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' file, to initialize the device automatically as part of the system boot procedures. By using the INSTALL program that comes with the Metheus microcode diskette, this can be installed for you automatically. The following line should be added to the 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' file: 'CD [path to Metheus files]'\n 'GPLOAD [C:path\\]1104.BIN [c:path\\]8x16.FNT'\n"